When it comes to treating your prostate cancer, there are a handful of different routes to take. When making the decision between surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, and all other options, you must consider both the short-term and long-term positives and negatives of each approach.
You should also get a better understanding of your particular case of cancer; some forms of prostate cancer can be slow-growing and never bother you during your natural lifespan, while others can be extremely aggressive within a few years. Read on to learn more about ProstRcision, a treatment method for prostate cancer, and who might be a prime candidate for this form of treatment—16,000+ other men were!
Developed by Radiotherapy Clinics of Georgia (RCOG), ProstRcision is a unique treatment method for prostate cancer. The meaning of ProstRcision means destruction (excision) of both normal and cancerous prostate cells with both internal radiation called brachytherapy as well as external radiation beams to ensure that any prostate cancer cells that may have escaped the prostate are also killed. In contrast to radical prostatectomy, ProstRcision leaves behind the sex nerves and muscles that control urination.
At RCOG, how we treat prostate cancer and the chance of curing your prostate cancer hinges on your particular cancer findings, especially your prostate pathology report.
You are a prime candidate for ProstRcision if you:
Prefer an alternative to surgery that offers a comparably high cure rate
Place a high priority on curing your cancer
Are looking for a treatment supported with outcome data as opposed to verbal assurances
Are interested in options that provide compelling published outcome data
Prioritize cure over convenience
Want to minimize effects of sexual function and not experience urinary issues
How do you choose between ProstRcision and a radical prostatectomy? Just like you would compare any two treatments: which one gives you the best chance of zero PSA 10 years later for your particular case of prostate cancer. There is no one cure rate for surgery because it varies with the skill of the urologist. Also, microscopic capsule penetration is probably a bigger problem for surgery than ProstRcision. You should also look at the other two big issues: urinary incontinence and loss of sexual function.
Comparison of ProstRcision and Radical Prostatectomy. A larger area is treated with ProstRcision compared to Radical Prostatectomy, where cancer may be left behind. This is called positive surgical margin and occurs in up to 27% of men who have surgery.
Remember, you are not alone in your recent diagnosis. As you go through this decision-making phase of this journey, it can be beneficial to hear about other people’s experiences directly from them. We can connect you with former ProstRcision patients who can answer your questions.
At RCOG we are dedicated to helping provide you with the resources you need to make an informed decision. Whether you are leaning toward treatment at RCOG or just want to empower yourself with the facts, our Prostate Cancer Nurse Patient Navigator is available to discuss any questions or concerns and can determine your cure rate probability.
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